by #LizPublika

Life, according to some, features elements of magic. These may manifest in many forms, from miracles to witchcraft to observations of unexplainable phenomena, all of which are minor deviations from the way we normally lead our daily lives; in most cases, anyway. And since these elements of magic are part of life, they make their way into our art and literature, thus giving way to magical realism.

Now, magical realism is not expressed unilaterally in art and literature. In the latter, it uses a substantial amount of realistic detail and employs magical elements to make a point about reality. But in contrast with its use in literature, magic realism in art scarcely includes overtly fantastic or magical elements and tends to look at the mundane through a hyper-realistic and often mysterious lens, which brings us to the work of Katrina Jurjans.

Presented by The Untitled Space and curated by artist and entrepreneur Indira Cesarine, the hence living, hence magical exhibition is Jurjans' debut solo show in the United States and her first exhibition with the gallery. Opening on Thursday, June 13th, 2024 — with an artist reception from 6-8pm — the exhibit will be on view through June 22nd, 2024. It will feature a selection of acrylic on canvas paintings, accompanied by a site-specific installation.

In her own words:
“Critically responding to historical female representation within the canon of Western art history, where women – predominantly painted by men – were represented as polished, contained, and separate from their surroundings – I instead paint women fully immersed in both their physical and emotional environments. Sometimes flesh and blood, other times ghostly outlines – they become the fuzzy, porous boundary between foreground and background; past and present; memory and dream.
Although Jurjans is primarily a painter, installations are becoming an increasingly more common component in her work. Most often, they appear as an extension of something she's put down on canvas. As such, much like she layers textures and patterns on her canvases, the installations build on the same idea and add a dramatic and tangible element — often laden in symbolism — to her elaborate compositions.

“As a backdrop of floral wallpaper becomes the textile patterns of a woman’s robe and intricate dots patterns of rain transition to tears, my aim is to present both the world and the body in a constant state of reshaping and transformation,” explains Katrina Jurjans. In some ways, "reshaping" is a word that can be attributed to women's history over the last century, which has seen the traditionally fixed role of women transform quite dramatically.

Indeed, this is one of the reasons that Jorjans and The Untitled Space joined forces. Cesarine has made a point of providing a platform for a new generation of women in art; since its debut, the gallery has been played an instrumental role in elevating female and female-identifying artists. So join her and Katrina Jurjans at The Untitled Space to learn more about her art, inspiration, and plans for a bright future on Thursday, June 13th.

Thursday, June 13, 2024 | 6pm - 8pm
June 13 - 22, 2024
The Untitled Space
45 Lispenard Street, NYC 10013
Note* All of the event information and images are provided by our partners.