by #LizPublika

The Twelve Magic Changelings (1907) by Glen, M. A.
Published: Frederick A. Stokes Co.
Summary: "Cut-outs for children of Mary and her little lamb, Humpty Dumpty and the egg, Tom the piper's son and his pig, The town mouse and the country mouse, Silverhair and the little wee bear, Robinson Crusoe and his parrot, The lion and the unicorn, The witch and her black cat, Nancy Netticote and the candle, Santa Claus and the Christmas tree, The frog who would a-wooing go and the lilly white duck, Dick Whittington and his cat."
"Toy and movable books."

"Mary and her Little Lamb"

"Humpty Dumpty and the Egg"

"The Lion and the Unicorn"

"The Witch and her Black Cat"

"The Frog who would A-Wooing Go and the Lily White Duck"

"Dick Whittington and his Cat"
Note* All images and their descriptions are curtesy of the Library of Congress.